Update on baby bunny's eyes and other

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We cleaned her eyes and she died anyway. A couple of things I think we did wrong. She lost her first litter and they were big and healthy looking but they appeared to strangle in too much fur. We had this happen too another bunny also with good results removing some of the fur 2nd time. I believe with this litter they were small and we removed too much fur and they got too cold, got that from what someone posted.

Second I believe we bred her too soon after her first litter. We bred her 30 days after she had them but they all died and I did not read up on the time to wait before rebreeding her. Big mistake! They were all so small, so probably not being strong enough to begin with and getting cold did them in.

I am so glad that God forgives us, sometimes I am a terrible steward!

There were no other visable signs of why they would have died. There bellies looked full. Does anyone have any other thoughts on why they may have died?


-- Lynn (johnnypfc@yahoo.com), April 09, 2002


I do not think you rebred her to soon .Any chance of parisites ? Is she in the barn {outside} or in the house.Chance of rodents ? How is the feed she is getting ? Hay also ?

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), April 09, 2002.

Lynn, Depending on what kind of rabbit 30 days is not to early to breed. I breed back 2 weeks after kindling. I also never heard of a rabbit srangling in fur. The only problem with too much fur is if it was extremely hot. Could it be the doe was using the nest box for a bathroom and the kits got wet/chilled? I have a couple of does that are pigs and I have to put in fresh bedding and hay every couple days. I save the hair out of the old box and put them in the clean one. We have a rabbit board on usenet. You are welcome to join in.

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), April 09, 2002.

Angora babys can easyly strangle or lose a limb in wool, but havent seen it be a problem in a regular litter.you might be right about them being chilled.When you breed again give her 1/4 teaspoon calf mana each day after the kits are born to increase her milk supply[ and think about going to a wire drop nest box in floor, If cold line with card board, as these drain well]. If she loses third litter get rid of her or make her a pet.

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), April 09, 2002.

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