Look what I found.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Have you checked this out? Thaught some of you might find it interesting.


-- Al Henry (J Henry@provide.net), April 08, 2002


Hmmm... Intere sting...

-- Tod Hart (g_t_hart@lycos.com), April 08, 2002.

Yep, I like it too... Some shots from CUBA


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), April 08, 2002.

Sorry, "interesting" ran together.

Glenn< p> Pere

-- Tod Hart (
g_t_hart@lycos.com), April 08, 2002.

And here's some of my st uff.

-- Chris Chen (Wash., DC) (furcafe@NOSPAMcris.com), April 09, 2002.

I like the Glenn Travis shot of the pointing finger and the nude, very intelligent and well conceived and executed.

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), April 09, 2002.

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