Can I get a jump on the competition for this year's 1000-Days Chase? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Suppose one wanted to get a jump on the competition in the Chase for this year's 1000-Day? Is there anywhere I could find photos of some or all the control sites? I would like to plan in advance my approaches to each control on the course in order to minimize my entrance-to-exit times from the controls.

-- Mook (, April 08, 2002


When I went to the terraserver page JJ mentions, I get "Image not found at the specified location." Bummer.

Of course, the photos Swampfox took with his new digital camera are worth taking a look at:

Mook wrote, "I would like to plan in advance my approaches to each control on the course in order to minimize my entrance-to-exit times from the controls."

It seems to me that the key will be to train yourself to run so strongly that the terrain doesn't slow you down no matter what. Regular sprints up and down Finger Rock Canyon would prepare you for anything.

-- Michael (, April 15, 2002.

Yeah, right here: S=12&T=1&X=589&Y=5700&Z=13&W=2

I could be more specific, but that would cost you.

-- J-J (, April 15, 2002.

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