Suitable flas for CANNON EOS 300 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Please anybody advice me for buying suitable flash for Cannon EOS300 model

Regards Ganesh D N

-- Ganesh (, April 05, 2002


Canon's 420EX is the obvious & usually recommended choice. The 550EX is a better flash but is priced quite high compared to the EOS 300.

You will want to buy a flash that is E-TTL capable. That way you will get high speed sync, flash exposure lock and a bit better flash metering than the standard TTL flashes. All Canon EX series Speedlites are E-TTL capable, as is the Metz 54MZ-3 which costs as much as the Canon 550EX. Also the Sigma EF-500 Super is E-TTL capable and is a near clone of the Canon 550EX, but cost about as much as the Canon 420EX. In my opinion, the Sigma is the best buy and will work well with the EOS 300.

A lower cost option is the older 380EX, but it's head does not swivel, or the 220EX but it's head does not swivel or tilt or zoom. I think you are better off spending a bit more to get a flash with more capabilities.

-- Jim Strutz (, April 05, 2002.

My brother didn't like my 380EX so he got the Sigma EF-500 Super TTL Shoe Mount Flash (Guide No. 132) for Canon EOS. Great price and good performer. Good luck.

-- Don (, April 06, 2002.

Don't buy the 420ex, certain functions like 2nd curtain syn and FEC cannot be carried with EOS300. Agree with Jim,sigma flash is better.

-- legnum (, April 08, 2002.

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