greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just received in the mail yesterday an invitation to a Leica free diagnostic clinic and new product demonstration. This event is to be held at Lisle-Kelko Ltd., 3525 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4V 1R1. The dates are Friday 19th April, 10:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday 10:00am - 3:00pm. For further information call (905) 672-6661

I am not sure if I will be going, it's nine hours in a car for me, however, it sounds like fun.


-- Alan Purves (lpurves@mnsi.net), April 05, 2002


Ratts! i gotta work..to pay for all this lovely equipment. i would be there otherwise!been to similar elsewhere and quite fun! play with all ther things i cannot afford!No problem for most of the members here....

-- jason gold (leeu72@hotmail.com), April 05, 2002.

It's worth going if you can make it. I went to a clinic at the 'Focus' exhibition in the UK and my SL was given a clean bill of health!!

-- Philip P Woodcock (phil@pushbar.demon.co.uk), April 05, 2002.

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