Quality of a camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

How good of a camera is the nikon em and can you still buy accessories for it.

-- Phil Gregory (Mpgregory2@aol.com), April 03, 2002


The Nikon EM is a reasonably well built, light-duty camera, less rugged than larger Nikons but adequate for the family-photo use for which it was designed. Its weakest point is probably the plastic structure below the rewind knob: if it's been dropped and the rewind knob is floppy, the necessary repair parts are no longer available from Nikon. It will accept both manual and autofocus Nikon-mount lenses.

rick :)=


-- rick oleson (rick_oleson@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.

I had an EM a long time ago (a gift from dad; he meant well, bless his heart!) and didn't like it for two reasons: (1) it's like a point- and-shoot with aperture-priority automation--you have no control of the shutter speed (the only choices of shutter speed are B and 1/90 second); (2) mirror slap is too heavy, especially for a small light camera, which means the chances of camera-shake is greater.

If you're looking for a small light Nikon SLR, you can do worse than to buy a F80 or F65 (N80 or N65 in the US). Or you could check out a FG, which is like an advanced version of the EM (they're of similar shape and size), but offers auto-exposure modes as well as manual--but check to see if you find the mirror-slap too great for your liking.

-- Hoyin Lee (leehoyin@hutchcity.com), April 05, 2002.

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