More low contrast M rangefinder : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

The rangefinder in my '66 M2 is contrasty enough, but the RF spot seems weak.

If I try to focus with a late afternoon winter sun shining straight at the camera, there is almost no contrast at all in the RF spot. Normal or decementing part in the RF mechanism..?


-- Fredrik Annell (, April 03, 2002


Forgot to add: in certain light there seems to be tiny "cracks" around the edges of the RF spot.

/Fredrik Annell

-- Fredrik Annell (, April 03, 2002.

I'm afraid you are experiencing rangefinder separation. I don't think it can properly fixed (scan the archives of this site or do a search at: the Lug to learn more on this issue).

I think you can have it replaced with a modern one (with RF flare as a bonus).

-- Xavier C. (, April 03, 2002.

I second the RF seperation thought. The part is about $215, and you can get M4 or M4p frames. So, you'll have an M2 with 135mm frame at best, or 28, 75 and 135mm frames at worst.

-- Charles (, April 03, 2002.

Is the RF patch bad in all conditions, or just in the case you mentioned? Even the M2 and M3 rangefinders can "white out" like an M6 if they're aimed towards the sun.

-- Mike Dixon (, April 03, 2002.

No, it's usable in normal conditions, but I find it hard to focus - my eyes has to work too hard. The result is that it takes too long to focus and my eyes get strained. Sad... :-( How much does this usually cost to repaire - ballpark?


-- Fredrik Annell (, April 04, 2002.

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