Your secret Shame : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

I thought we had a similar thread already, but I guess not.

Confess your deepest shame here.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002


I moved into my new apartment almost a month ago and haven't swept or mopped once.

I mean, I've Swiffered a lot, but still. I'm using the fact that I can't find a proper mop for my hardwood floors as a lame excuse and wearing shoes everywhere.

I'll go hide my head now.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

I'm pretty sure the reason our computer just died is because of the great gobs of dust and nastiness that built up inside in our remarkably dusty house. I hate getting on my hands and knees on the ceramic tile and crawling under the desk to clean back up in there, and so I endangered the health of our computer.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

I am ashamed that we have lived in our house for over 2 years now and the basement still looks the same, if not worse, then it did the day we moved in. There are boxes and crap EVERYWHERE and it just keeps getting worse. For the past 2 summers, we have promised ourselves that we would spend one full weekend getting the basement straightened up but it has never happened...we are always too busy, or there is a football or college basketball game on TV, or we just plain out don't feel like doing it. All excuses for us just being lazy.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

Is it really secret? I mean, I can't have anyone all rubbing it in my face or anything. Is this like a game of "I Never" where no-one tells? But this is so a secret shame that many of my closest friends don't even know it.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

Pineapple, if I can confess to having the world's nastiest floors, I'm sure your secret shame will be safe with us.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

I was born in Arizona.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

my sheets on my bed haven't been washed since October ...that's a long ass time. no wonder I find it hard to breathe and always feel dirty when waking up instead of refreshed. at least I got a new comforter and pillows or that would be just gross (I mean, more than it already is).

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

My secret shame is this....

During my morning commute, if Britney Spears or NSYNC come on the radio, I don't turn the channel. As a matter of fact, I crank it as loud as it will go and car dance like you would not believe.

Shhh...don't tell!

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

WHAT?! Pineapple, you are a dirty, dirty girl. And you call yourself Texan. I don't know if I can talk to you anymore.

My secret shame? My room is a perpetual mess. If I share space with someone (ie, have a roomie), it's not problem. Everything is clean as a whistle then. But living alone? Ohhhh, no.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

I am incapable of hanging pictures on my walls. I lived in my last apartment for over 2 years without ever putting them up. I brought them with me to my new apartment in November, and I *still* haven't put them up.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002

"And you call yourself Texan."

Hence, my secret shame. I still don't even flinch when I say Texan though... my father was born here, my grandfather was born here, my great-grandfather was born here. My parents had already been living here, but my mother wanted to have her first baby in Scottsdale where her parents where, and since we had so much family there, the plan was birth the kidlet, show off for the pictures, and then get the hell back. It saved them making another trip to AZ a few months later.

But I would never tell people I was a native. That's just wrong -- like trying to pass off one's CZs as real.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002

My secret shame? I just got rid of my Christmas tree yesterday. We tossed it over the balcony and then spotted the maintainance guy with his truck. He said he'd take it to the dumpster, but that I didn't win the "prize" - he'd once gotten rid of one in July.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2002

Oh so many.

First, and this isn't really a secret, but it's shameful. I'm 25, and I live with my parents. And, frankly, I plan on living here for at least the next couple years, or until I find an out-of-state job, whichever comes first.

Second, and I try to hide this, but I'm not just 'unorganized', or 'cluttered', but I'm truly, disgustingly, filthy. While the pan I made my dinner in is clean (not going to ruin my Calphalon, folks), the plate that I ate it off of is likely to be found on my card table, up to and including a week later. The glass that I drank milk out of 3 days ago? It's right in front of me. I'm a slob folks, feel free to hate me.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2002

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