Paretns and Teens- from the newsletter... : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I say that 90% of being a good parent is in the communication! Or never stop talking, MAYBE a little of it will sink in! Here is an article that gives some little tips on starting converstaions with your teens, but would work well with any age level. I have always tried to have the time so my kids could talk, talk, talk, about anything they wanted. It is easy to get 'busy' and then the moment is lost. so when your kids want to talk, be ready to listen!



Asking Great Questions By Patti Chadwick

Do you want to know what your teen is really thinking? Try asking great questions. Too many times we ask closed questions that require only a "yes" or "no" answer. Does this sound familiar:

"How was school?" "Good"

"Do you have homework?" "No"

"How was the game" "Okay"

We need to learn to ask specific questions that require thought and will encourage conversation. Why not try some of these:

* Was that test in Spanish as hard as you thought? What were some of the questions on it? Which question was the hardest for you?

* Who scored the highest in the basketball game after school? Were there any amazing plays?

* How many people came to Lindsay's birthday party last night? What kind of presents did she get.

On a more personal level why not try asking things like:

* What do you think Heaven looks like?

* What kind of person would you like to marry?

* What's the nicest thing I ever did for you?

* What's the best thing you remember from your childhood?

* If you could travel anywhere in the world - where would you like to visit? Why?

The list could go on and on_and it should! Why not make your own and begin asking your teen questions that will lead to meaningful conversations.


Patti Chadwick is the creator of Parents & Teens found at She is also the author of MISSION POSSIBLE: RAISING GREAT TEENS! and LOOK UP! A 30-Day Devotional Journal for Teens. Both books are available on her website in both ebook and print formats. To purchase visit:

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, April 02, 2002

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