How to save .dat file with bad sectors in harddisk?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Could anybody answer me: I found many times that I am not able to save vcd content (dat file) to my hard disk when the cd have few scratches. Even I tried to convert it to mpeg file and save, it is saved but the movie stops exactly where the bad sector begins and doesnt proceed further...even if I tend to do it doesnt go ahead. Is it possible that I save rest of the content ignoring the bad sectors from vcd.. Also suggest me free related softwares if any....
-- Hariprasad (, April 02, 2002
www.vcdgear.comUse this free software to extract the avseq0x.dat from the VCD with error correction.
-- (, April 07, 2002.
Contact me got detaials
-- Trevor Michael Deverick (, May 07, 2002.
copy it to my briefcase. PONDY
-- PONDY (, August 29, 2002.
dear sir i have problem. when i format the harddisk,the no fixed the the harddisk. it mean zero sector bad , i want the solution it problem , thanks
-- khaleel (, November 30, 2002.