Bishop's Council : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Can someone provide me with a schedule of what the program and agenda are for the council meeting in Tampa. I will attend but need to kmow these specifics.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2002


Brother Fowler,

There have been changes made to this year's council meeting. The Growth and Development service will be held on Sunday at St. Paul AME Church. The Investiture Service and Banquet will be Monday evening, The opening worship service will be Tuesday evening.

I hope that will at least give you a starting point on how to make your plans. Further details later.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2002

For more information as reported by AME Today [ click here].

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2002

There will also be a breakfast and seminar sponsored by the Minister's Spouses, etc. on Monday morning.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

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