Dutch rabbits

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

We will be moving next month and won't have enough cage space for most of our rabbits. We have pedigreed and non pedigreed Dutch rabbits. They are from very good quality show rabbits, and we'd like to see them go to someone who would appreciate them. We are willing to sell them or trade for something. They are in north central Indiana We have black, blue, and steel colors.



-- Anonymous, April 01, 2002


we live in IL near St.Louis. Do you still have steels for sale? Our Steel buck is old but still ticking and throwing good babies. We are interested in a steel doe.

I look forward to hearing from you Peg

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2002

I am looking for a male and a female for pets but wouldnt mind learning about breeding them on a small scale for fun right now. I live in another state so that might be a problem. Hope it is not too late and you have already moved. Let me know. I read a book by Bob Bennet on rabbits that said the Dutch were the best breed so that is why I am inquiring. I also like their markings. Thanks, Brad.

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2002

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