Any interest in trade - leica M for my Nikon 8mm fisheye? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a near mint Nikon AIS 8mm fisheye lens, with case, caps, even the cardboard box. (There is a tiny mark on the paint of the lens rim, where the camera and lens would set down and the cases has some very slight deterioration on the edges.) Dealers seem to be asking close to $3000 for this lens, in this condition.

I'm thinking I would be better off with some addition to my Leica M6 system. I think about such things as an M2, 3 or 4 and a Notilux. An M4 in very nice condition would be great! If anyone has any burning desire for the 8mm and would be interested in trading, please email. I'm in no hurry but it seems a shame to have the Nikon lens sitting when I could be out taking pictures with some M equipment.

-- Tom (, April 01, 2002

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