What's the best program for ripping videos?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello...! I have a Avermedia BT848 card, but the program of Avermedia is very poor..

and I have any questions:

=>What's the best program for ripping videos? I´m using iuVCR, but not working very good.


=>What's the best codec?

-- kapeton (kapeton@globo.com), March 31, 2002


Smart Ripper is probably the best program for ripping DVD, although I'm not sure if you really mean "rip" or "record". If you're going to record AVI, Huffy is a very good codec. MJPEG also has its fans.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), April 01, 2002.

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