Good Deeds of the Day : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

I am going to give blood today...I feel as if it is my duty because I have the rarest of all blood types. Not only do I like the after party with the cookies, but I feel as if I have done a good deed. What is a recent good deed that made you feel proud of yourself?

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2002


There are a lot of tourists in San Francisco and I am forever giving them directions and advice. I'm a sucker for someone standing on a street corner with a map and a befuddled expression.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2002

I, too, am also giving directions to tourists and those who are unfortunate enough to live "outside the perimeter". We live in downtown Atlanta, on Peachtree Rd, so it is impossible for me to walk to the convienence store by my house without getting stopped by people wanting to know where either the Fox Theatre, the ESPN Zone/Buckhead in general, or Lenox Square is. I even got stopped by someone on New Year's Day wanting to know where the county jail was.

I wsn't aware that I looked like the type of person who would know where a jail was.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2002

I had the opposite experience this weekend. We were in Minneapolis and trying to find somewhere to have a late breakfast (I mean really LATE...the whole clock changing thing really threw us off...oh, and the seemingly 20-some beers apiece we had the night before). We must have had really perplexed looks on our faces while standing outside of the breakfast place a block from our hotel that had already closed for the day. I say this because 3 different people came up to us in the span of a minute asking us if we were lost and needed help. Of course, none of them could tell us where to get breakfast at 3 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon but they were all very gracious Mid-Westerners nonetheless. By the way, we did end up finding the coolest place in Uptown Minneapolis that served breakfast all day...their Bloody Mary's had pickles in lieu of celery and a beer back served with it kind of place.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2002

I donated money to WDVX last week, so now I can listen guilt-free.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002

I also donated to our NPR affiliate (I think all NPR affiliates were having their spring fund raisers recently) AND volunteered one Saturday to answer the phones to take other's pledges, and then also worked the beer both at the jazz and blues festival. Ok, so the beer booth wasn't purely an altruistic move.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002

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