Muscovy Ducks : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

We have adult Muscovy ducks, 2001 hatch. And, right now, 3 Muscovy ducklings. The ducklings hatched around the end of Feb. I also will possibly have some fertlized eggs available, depending on how many we decide to let "set" this year!!

These are the brown and white variety. They roam freely, but always come back to the barn area for the night! Very gentle and calm - the meat is amazing! We are in West Central Missouri, about 2 hrs from Kansas City. Am willing to sale or trade ~~ thanks!

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2002


We are interested in buying your fertilized eggs or a mated pair of your adults. -bill casavant (530)474-1230

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2002

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