Daily Herb Listing - Fenugreek

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Latin Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum

Alternate Names: Hu Lu Ba (Chinese), Greek Hay, Methi (Sanskrit)


Parts Used: Seeds.

Properties: Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Aphrodisiac, Aromatic, Carminative, Demulcent, Diuretic, Emollient, Expectorant, Galactagogue, Rejuvenative, Restorative, Stimulant, Yang Tonic.

Internal Uses: Arthritis, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Cough, Debility, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Fever, Flatulence, Gout, Hernia, High Cholesterol, Impotence, Kidney Deficiency, Leukorrhea, Menopause, Tuberculosis

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.

Is a uterine stimulant and also lowers blood sugar.

Topical Uses: Abscess, Boils, Burns, Cervical Cancer, Glandular Swelling, Leukorrhea, Sciatica, Skin Dryness, Sore Throat

Topical Applications: Compress and salve for abscesses, boils, burns and swollen glands. Gargle for sore throat. Made into lotion for chapped hands. Douche for leukorrhea. Gargle for sore throat. Use a poultice for gout and sciatica. In China, Fenugreek is used as a bolus to treat cervical cancer.

Culinary uses: Toasting the seed first improves its flavor. Seeds are added to curries, pastries and breads, as well as used to make artificial maple flavoring. Seeds are also roasted and used to make a coffee substitute. Young leaves are added to salad.

Energetics: Bitter, Warm.

Chemical Constituents: Steroidal saponins (diosgenin), alkaloids (trigonelline and gentianine), flavonoids, mucilage, protein, vitamins B and C, beta carotene, choline, lecithin.

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy, as it can be a uterine stimulant. Diabetics should seek advice from their helath care professional before using it to lower blood sugar.

Comments: The Latin name for Fenugreek, Trigonella, means 'triangle shaped pale yellow flower' and foenum graecum means 'Greek hay'. Ancient Egyptians would eat the greens of this plant as a vegetable and use the seeds as incense and as part of their embalming formulas. Women in harems would eat Fenugreek seeds in the belief that they would become more desirable. The seeds were burned as an incense to aid childbirth in Egypt.

Growing Fenugreek and then turning the crop under helps fix nitrogen into the soil.

-- Phil in KS (pemccoy@yahoo.com), March 26, 2002


I use it on one of my horses who has a recurrant cough from mold in the hay along with peppermint -- works pretty well.

I have also read that if humans drink fenugreek tea daily, it is a form of natural deodorant in that it supposedly changes the scent of sweat to a maple-like odor. I don't know if taking the capsules would have the same effect.

-- julie f. (rumplefrogskin@excite.com), April 03, 2002.

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