theories of violence : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

I am looking for thoughts on theoretical approaches to the study of adolescent female violence/ aggression. I am specifically interested in the recent rise in female adolescent perpetrated violence and any theories to explain that trend. Much of the literature on violence doesn't have a specific theoretical underpinning, it relates almost exclusively to boys, or it doesn't differentiate between genders. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

thank you,


-- Alison Houghton (, March 25, 2002


See if any of the following are helpful:

Mouradian, V. E. (2001). Applying schema theory to intimate aggression: Individual and gender difference in representation of contexts and goals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 376- 408.

Burman, M. J., Batchelor, S. A., & Brown, J. A. (2001). Researching girls and violence: Facing the dilemmas of fieldwork. . British Journal of Criminology, 41, 443-459.

Ellickson, P. L., & McGuigan, K. A. (2000). Early predictors of adolescent violence. American Journal of Public Health, 90, 566-572.

Foshee, V. A., Linder, F., MacDougall, J. E., & Bangdiwala, S. (2001). Gender differences in the longitudinal predictors of adolescent dating violence. Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice & Theory, 32, 128-141.

-- Hendrika Vande Kemp (, March 26, 2002.

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