Things Revealed : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Deut 29:29 says "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this Law."

God has given us a body of "things revealed" in His Word. Don't worry too much about the rest. (Is there life on other planets?) Just what God has revealed to us is enough to keep us busy and growing for a lifetime.

Having said that, are you seeking to find out what His Word says to you? We know that a lifetime of reading and study of the Word will show us new things on a regular basis through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Upon hearing or reading that revelation are you quick to obey? I'm amazed at how church folks dance around new truths God reveals to them with rationalizations and excuses. The passage says these things were revealed to us so that we might obey, not ignore.

They're also passed on to us so that we might give them to our children. There was a time in the Western nations when most children had at least a basic Bible knowlege. That time is gone. Now many adults don't even have that. Somewhere along the line we had some parents drop the ball in the Christian upbringing of their children. Are your kids receiving the training they need? Are the churches doing their part?

We're commanded to make disciples the world over. For this reason I'm a strong supporter of missionary activities. We need to bring the "things revealed" to new peoples wherever we find them. In some cases it actually involves developing a written alphabet for a language, translating the Bible into that language, then teaching the people to read it. This is a years long process, and God bless Wycliffe Bible translators for it! But don't you find it astounding that we go to such lengths to bring the things revealed to some people, yet don't take action to incorporate them into the lives of our children, or even our own lives?

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002

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