Problems with "stuttering" video when capturing : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Maybe you folks can offer some advice.

I'm using a Terapin VCD recorder to do my capturing from VHS, and then transferring and converting the files on my computer. Here's my problem: When I'm recording to the VCD recorder from older, less stable, VHS tapes, I get an effect where the video stream becomes a jumpy string of still images, while the audio tracks remain unaffected. This doesn't happen with newer, steadier tapes. I'm assuming that this has something to do with video sync being lost or something like that, but the terminology is something I don't know. Perhaps this is what dropped frames look like?

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out how to stabilize these things. I thought of trying a time base corrector, but the least expensive one I can find costs more than my recording unit. I could live without paying that much, unless I absolutely have to. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks, folks.

-- Stefan Lundquist (, March 25, 2002


Could it be more expensive than certain JVC SVHS-ET VCRs that have built-in timebase correctors??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 26, 2002.

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