Black Blocks in dark scenes!!!! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

(sorry my english) I been making my own vcds, and in dark scenes i see "black blocks" moving, there are black and there are less black. My question is: Is there any software or plug in for Tmpegenc that can make the dark escenes with only one black color? thanx.

-- Dave Galliard (, March 21, 2002


If you go to the Advanced settings in TMPGenc, Custom Color Correction might help you. Noise Reduction might also help some. Using these filters will increase your encoding time by a lot. It might take days to encode your video if you use these filters.

-- Jason (, March 21, 2002.

i have noticed if you start with a really good source to begin with the black blocks wont be so noticeable.

-- john boy (, March 22, 2002.

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