50 Elmar hood on a 50 Summicron

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm not a fan of retractable hoods. Anyone know if I could use the screw-in hood from the current 50 Elmar on the current 50 summicron? B&H sells the Elmar hood for $46.

-- Ken Geter (kgeter@yahoo.com), March 19, 2002


Yes it works. I use to use it on a chrome collapsible 50 Summicron and Summaron 35/3.5. Now I use a screw in hood on my current version Summicron (with sliding hood), it is a after market item made by Walz, made in Japan but says Summicron on it and is vented. So for those, like me, who hate the built in hood, keep your eyes open for a Walz hood.

-- Steve LeHuray (steve@icommag.com), March 19, 2002.

Yes it works, nice solid hood. Not very much shade though, which is why I stopped using it. Instead I currently use a B+W #900 39mm rubber hood. Deep shade and can fold back over the lens for compact storage.

For more on lenshood options for E39 50mm lenses, see the Leica FAQ topic at nemeng.com/leica/ 012ba.shtml

-- Andrew Nemeth (azn@nemeng.com), March 19, 2002.

Both on-film checks and physical check through the back of the film gate (empty camera obviously) show that current 50/2.8 screw in hood ( a little cylinder ) causes severe vignetting at f2 and possibly f2.8 as well on the current 50/2

-- sait (akkirman@clear.net), March 19, 2002.

I've been using screw-in shade #12550 M 2.8/50 (current Elmar) on my current 50 Summicron a couple of years now without any problems at all, no vignetting. This is on top of a screw-in filter also. I too dislike retractable hoods, which of course always self-retract.

-- John Hicks (jhicks31@bellsouth.net), March 20, 2002.

Dear Andrew & John, To test this lens hood, I shot an evenly lit white wall (measured all 4 corners and centre with spotmeter) at f2, and at 1.2m (3.6') and got serious vignetting. I also a did the visual test (similar to checking 4x5 camera lens coverage with case of excessive movements), and this also indicated a vignetting problem. It is interesting that you guys don't seem to have any problems. Did you try the lens at close quarters ( where the light fall of would be more pronounced). Regards Sait

-- sait (akkirman@clear.net.nz), March 20, 2002.

Well, it seems we have two answers here. I have just about talked myself into the B+W rubber hood after reading Mr. Nemeth's excellent FAQ. A question for Andrew: will the rubber hood support the weight of the current Summicron when set down on it's front? That's one of the most annoying things with the retractable hood: when you set the lens down on a table, the hood retracts!

-- Ken Geter (kgeter@yahoo.com), March 20, 2002.

vignetting with the elmar-M hood

I haven't had any problems either, and I used this hood for a year before switching to the rubber hood. Of course you're aware the Summicron vignettes anyway at f2 even without a hood?

rubber hood stiff?

No. It will retract. Which is why for my needs, I like it. For storage you can fold it back over the lens and thus takes up v.little carry-bag space.

-- Andrew Nemeth (azn@nemeng.com), March 20, 2002.

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