Trade: Sekonic L-308 B for a Leica SF-20 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a LNIB w/ the strap and a protective carry case (w/ a belt loop) in original box in great condition (used twice) that I want to trade for a Leica SF-20 flash. Only a flash in excellent/mint condition would be considered. The price of the flash new is $275.

-- pat (, March 18, 2002



I have a SF20 in excellent condition with Lutz's newest accessory for trade. I'll even throw in a TTL cable (Nikon SC 17) with the trade. Unfortunately, I don't have the instructions for the flash though but the cable should more than make up for it. My style has evolved for 0 use of flash. How does that sound?

-- John (, March 18, 2002.

John, sounds good to me. Check your inbox for details. Cheers,

-- pat (, March 18, 2002.

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