Critique, A Mormon Pioneer Town : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Please let me know what you think. After my last posting I thought I would give this photo critique one more try. It is fun for me to photograph. So view the image and let me know your thoughts.

-- Rob Schopke (, March 17, 2002



Underexposed, shadows on the chest distracting.

-- David Smith (, March 17, 2002.

Rob- Try some fill-in flash.

-- Frank Horn (, March 17, 2002.

Rob: I love this shot. Lots of interesting stuff to look at. Varnish, glass, putty, nails! Your selection of subject is great, composition is fine. I just want to see into the shadows, so I won't miss anything. Please shoot it over and cut the development time by 30 to 40%.

-- Bob Fleischman (, March 17, 2002.

Slightly underexposed on the signs with too much shadows on the facade. Nice composition although moving closer would have helped.

By the way, I have to say that I love the subject of Mormon town. Being probably the only Mormon Leica photog around here it's nice to know that we get some props too...


-- Alfie Wang (, March 17, 2002.

Oops. I meant, "Please shoot it over and increase the exposure, while cutting the development time (etc).

-- Bob Fleischman (, March 18, 2002.

Hi, Rob:

It is a nicely done photo but still the above advices could be useful, of course.

My real problem is that I wasn't able to pinpoint the real subject of this photo and my eyes kept looking around and all over searching for the main item the photo is about. A case of "more is less", perhaps ?

I have several photos where the same syndrome is all too evident (aside from poor exposure in this case), so that I tend to be oversensitive to it.

Regards, Rob


-- Iván Barrientos M (, March 18, 2002.

Hello Rob. A very good counter play of shapes, shadows and textures. Centre top white post a minor distraction which appears to cut into the composition and accentuate the upper left darker area.Not ever having posted any images I cannot say positively, but I think the original print would show better shadow detail.A classic shot.Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, March 18, 2002.

I like the antique (brown) look, I don't know whether this was deliberate, but it works. But to me, the main problem is it just looks like a photo of some old chests and boxes, and I don't know what more to make of it. More shadow detail wouldn't change that impression. In other words, no partiuclar story or feelings (other than that of time past). A good photo nonetheless.

-- Eliot (, March 18, 2002.

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