OT Trouble printing 5x7's on Epson 1270

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Sorry if this question is off topic and possibly obvious, but I am trying to print on Epson's 5x7 premium glossy photo paper and cannot seem to locate the option for choosing this size in the print page setup in Epson's printer driver. I've tried downloading the newest driver, tried making a custom paper size, and for whatever reason, none of these has worked and the image (which is sized at 4x6 to fit with borders on the 5x7 media) ends up coming out looking like the printer thought I was choosing a much larger paper size than what I thought I specified. If anyone has a tip or a link to refer me to I would be most grateful. I know some of you use inkjets to print your work., and may have a quick answer. And before anyone suggests it, yes, I have read the manual and checked Epson's site for info. I'm sure there is a quick and reasonable answer, but as of yet, I can't seem to locate it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. - Jason

-- Jason Guyer (suite_cheetah@hotmail.com), March 16, 2002


Jason, there's a a layout button (sqare button) next to the PRINT button click that and make sure you have the right paper sixe selected in the "fit to page" area. Sound like you have it on A4 or letter which would strech your photo out. Hope this helps :0) Scott

-- Scott Evans (scottevans@attbi.com), March 17, 2002.

I ment to say "paper size selected". Sorry :0)

-- Scott Evans (scottevans@attbi.com), March 17, 2002.

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