I cant play any VDC. HELP!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, i recently buy a Star Wars VCD and it comes in *.dat format. I cant find a way to play it, in media player i recived a message about being uinable to run it(Error=80040265). I have tried with some other programs but they have problems too. I will apreciate any help. THANKS. (Sorry, my english is really bad) (By the way, i have tried with other VCD but, the same thing happens)
-- Jorge (vinseiroja@hotmail.com), March 16, 2002
Go to Microsoft and download the most current version of Media Player
-- ron southern (southrb@primus.ca), March 17, 2002.
Have a look at http://www.d8a.co.uk/vcd/help.htm has info on playing VCD & links to free download Players.
-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), March 18, 2002.
download the latest version of windows media player
-- Mr. (barvarzgenerationsherwin@yahoo.com), March 19, 2002.
hey guys it is not that simple problem. even I have windows media player 9 and all kinds of codecs in the world.. still same error msg is shown. eventually I could not watch newest "friend" VCD. 2morrow I will return them. T.T
-- makeyou (makeyou@hitel.net), April 20, 2003.