City or county ordinance regulating where an animal hospital can be located. : LUSENET : Morniside Lenox Park Web Redesign : One Thread

Is there any city or county ordinance that would prohibit locating an animal hospital in the same retail shopping center where restaurants, hair salons or day spas may already be located? Namely, Highland Walk in Morningside on N. Highland Avenue? Are animal hospitals required to have "green" space in which pets can relieve themselves?

-- Celia Tully (, March 13, 2002


Celia, I don't know the answer but you can call the Bureau of Buildings. This is recommended when residents are concerned with how property is being used in their neighborhood. The number is 404-330-6175. You might also email our MLPA Zoning Chair, Steven Rowell at or call him at 404-892-3661. Let us know what you find out! Dianne Olansky, MLPA President

-- Dianne Olansky (, March 14, 2002.

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