Leicaflex SL manual needed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Could anyone please tell me where to get a copy of Leicaflex SL instruction manual. Scanned version would do fine. That's not that I cant use it but it would be nice to have one...


-- Ollipekka Toppinen (ollipekka.toppinen@ideos.fi), March 11, 2002


This place sells them:


Leica may have a photocopy of the original.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), March 11, 2002.

Hove books has a collection of manuals ( flex,sl,sl2 and m5 ) for about $10 . B+H stocks them .

-- leonid (kotlyarl@mail.nih.gov), March 11, 2002.

Ebay has them regularly up for auction, I know I bought one last month!!!

-- Philip Woodcock (phil@pushbar.demon.co.uk), March 11, 2002.

Thank you for your answers but I ment that manual could be in digital format to download. You see, I live in Finland and buying 10 dollar item overseas. Reasonable, I think not.

-- Ollipekka Toppinen (ollipekka.toppinen@ideos.fi), March 12, 2002.

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