How to properly value your Leica equipment : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm trying to buy an M6 (black, non-TTL, normal finder) and 35mm Summicron (pre-asph) from a guy with an F5 as partial trade (with maybe an 85 f1.4 or 180 EDIF AF-D to round things out).

Sounds easy, right? Especially with all the gear being ex+/mint-? But we've been having one hell of a time trying to objectively value this stuff.

How to you figure out what to sell for, what to buy for, or (worse) how to value a trade? I tried using KEH (both retail prices and online offers for your gear), and looking at recent eBay completed item prices, and looking here online.

Huge variation, and no-one has enough prices that you can say "this third values your gear at xx and mine at yy, so why don't I throw in zz to make things even."

What's the best way to go about this? Anyone have any insight on the specific situation listed above?


-- Derek Zeanah (, March 07, 2002


Add your kit and his kit values up based on printed second hand exc++ values etc. Deduct say 10%. Work the differences from there. There is no real method except being happy with the deal you come away with...

-- Stewart Weir (, March 07, 2002.

Assuming the cameras are low mileage, I'd say the M6 is worth $1100, the Summicron $700, for a total of $1800. The F5, $1200 and the 85/1.4 $600, for a total of $1800. So you're right on, especially if it feels good to you. Of course, no dealer will appraise, sight unseen, but it sounds as if this particular F5 is not a well-worn workhorse. Some are.

-- Phil Stiles (, March 07, 2002.

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