Leica M7 Soft Release Button & Lapel Pin in Ebay

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hello friends,

There is an auction at Ebay for a new "Leica M7 Soft Release Button & Lapel Pin". The seller says that Leica only made a limited quantity for the PMA show and won't be producing more. (?)

Even so, can you please explain to me why this item is currently at $185 (!!!) (and God knows how high it can go during the remaining +2 days of the auction)?

I was the first one that bid on this item for $20 but I never imagined that it could sell for more than $50 (and I will NOT bid any more than $20 of course!)

The Ebay auction number is 1336752690


-- Jordan Koussis (jordan@koussis.com), March 07, 2002


Beats me!!


http://www.leica-gallery.net/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MUGers

-- Duncan (airborn@euromail.se), March 07, 2002.


This was discussed on the following page with pictures.

As far as I know, that lapel is available via the Leica distributors.

That's how I have received mine.

-- Lucien (Lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 07, 2002.

The current bid is $195.00 at 3/7/02 2:51 PM MST (MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME HERE IN UTAH)

-- Rob Schopke (schopke@attbi.com), March 07, 2002.

With 17 hours to go it's on...


-- Giles Poilu (giles@monpoilu.icom43.net), March 09, 2002.

Ater all, it's seems that the lapel pin was made for the PMA show.

-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 10, 2002.

It seems my guess that the M7 soft release would sell for $ 50 was a little off. At $ 330, I hope the new owner enjoys it. This could finance a significant part of the difference in price between an M6TTL and an M7!

-- Eliot (erosen@lij.edu), March 10, 2002.

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