storing potted shrubs outside for winter????? : LUSENET : : One Thread

Hi everyone!!!!!! My name is john and i have quite a few shurbs/landscaping bushes i propagated from cuttings which are well established and in 2quart plastic potting containers.Some are snoball, azaela,rhodededren, arborvidi, boxwood,barberry,etc. My question is what would be the best way to store them outside for the winter months without them dying for i have no means of bringing them in for the winter. I live in northeastern pennsylvania and the wimters could be quite nasty here. If anyone has any information regarding this subject please email me at Thanks john.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002


Dear John,

I too have potted shrubs and was wondering the same thing. Live North of Boston Ma and do not want to lose tem over the winter. I do not know the answer to your question. I did want to ask you how you propagated the azaela bushes you have. If you have a moment to answer Iwould appreciate and understand if you do not.

Best wishes, Helen

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2003

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