What about adding advertising links to paler.com?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Paler.com discussions : One Thread |
I am probably going to add google-style adverts to paler.com shortly. Hopefully you'll think them fairly unobtrusive. There should be more details of why on my About page. If you have any comments, feel free to post them here.
-- Michael Bluett (michaelbluett@despammed.com), March 05, 2002
It seems to work for me... Perhaps it was a transient problem?
-- Michael Bluett (michaelbluett@despammed.com), March 20, 2002.
Advertising revenue has been a very small fraction of what I had envisaged, the subtle text links I have added don't attract visitor's attention. User tests (putting a friend in front of the website and asking what those green boxes were) indicated that the user didn't notice the advertisements.If I am determined to try and make money out of this, I could:
Option 2 is what I'm opting for.
- Option 1 - Put up pretty banner advertisements.
- Option 2 - Add new content with new banners.
-- Michael Bluett (michaelbluett@despammed.com), April 18, 2002.
Hi Michael,your link on http://www.paler.com/adverts.html to this discussion thread doesn't work!
All the best, Giles
-- Giles Chanot (giles@leafinternet.com), March 20, 2002.