Sticky vcds???? why ???? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Well i have learned thanks to you boys and girls, i give up trying to make vcds work on ps2, i am now the ptoud owner of a philps dvd612 player, but and heres the prob, very disc ever one i make sticks.freezes, wont play past , whitch ever way you say it , it isnt right, i burned a vcd with nero(and mpeg2 plugin)red dwarf eposide but 25 minutes in it frooze, why dose this happen and what does the PCB do, does need to be on or off thank you for the great advice keep it up ;P Chris

-- Christopher Mc Knight (, March 05, 2002


how are you .. woh are you going to travel? see you

-- hany.mohamed.hassan (, March 06, 2002.

what kind of answer is that

-- chris mc knight (, March 07, 2002.

I can't help you, but i am having the exact same problem. I burned a bunch of VCD's with roxio 5 and they all get to a cretain point and then the picture freezes, but the sound continues. 15 min or so later the picture starts up again, and the sound is now lagging behind by 15 min. If anyone can help i would aprechiate it.

-- mason (, January 22, 2003.

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