greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What is pissing you off right this minute?

Come on with it.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002


That apparently three-fifths of MATH+1 have forgotten how to update on a regular basis. Y'all.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Umm.....ditto. (Oh, I'm so going to get it.)

That and my dedication to quit smoking, seeing as I am going through a very large craving for nicotine at this EXACT MOMENT!!


-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Well, Al at least put up something six weeks ago. And MOC, if I had to deal with your nic fits, I wouldn't be journaling much either.

So let's make that two-fifths updating, one-fifth unavoidably detained, and two-fifths have to step up and explain their tardy selves.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Am I one of the tardy ones? Because I updated last week.

I'm mad because I am broke. Please send cash. Or gold bullion, whichever.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Well, I was really mad that I had a 3 hour meeting to go to, but now it's been moved to next week.

I'm sure there's something else I'm mad about... hold on...

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

No, no, AB. You are a swell updater.

My boy is also Brokey Brokerton because his boss does not pay him. Literally. Three paychecks, maybe, in eight months. It is driving me crazy having to watch from the sidelines.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Income tax! For Lowe and Company - - heretofore unknown to me. Mad at myself because I didn't get more involved and learn how to do it. HAAAAAATE it. H. A. T. E. it-so much.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

The printed circuit board solderers who clean the boards in the bathroom sink then leave Lake Michigan around the sink and on the floor. Lately they leave the brushes in the sink. Grrr. Once the board washer is hooked up, they better not use the bathroom anymore or I'll be complaining loud and long.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

I didn't get the job. And i know they didn't check my references, even though they said they called. Because my references were waiting by the phone, ready to talk me up to the heavens.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

I'm mad that the weather in dallas will go from 12 degrees to 72 degrees in a matter of days.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

IM MAD because you are in my F_ing seat!

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

I'm mad because I have a frikkin' migraine, I'm cold and I was supposed to actually go someplace for the first time in months (to get my haircut actually) and decided not to cause my head hurts so badly.

I also hate that I plan things and they never happen so therefore I've put my journal on hiatus, so I wouldn't have to explain why I don't do things anymore. I'm a freak.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

I'm pissed because I don't have a goddamn summer job and I hate law school so much that I'd rather be dead than go.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Oh, Kristin, that sucks big donkey dick. I'm mad for you.

In addition, I'm mad that I am in the greatest city ever (aka New York City) and I am not taking advantage of being here as much as I should be. I can't be tooooo mad though, because I'm here.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

I am mad because I have to sit here in my stupid little freakin' cubicle while the guys from Information Technology run fiber optic cables through my office ceiling and every time they remove one of the 100 year old ceiling tiles from above my head, I get showered in dust, ceiling pieces and possibly asbestos! I cannot believe they decided it would be a good idea to do this work during business hours. I have not been able to breathe for 2 days - I probably have black lung - and, I am not normally one to complain!

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2002

And, our dog decided to poop and pee on the Oriental rug in our dining room this morning. Arrgghh!

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2002

That apparently three-fifths of MATH+1 have forgotten how to update on a regular basis. Y'all.

I finally did. But not because I thought WG was going to kick my ass or anything.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2002

But not because I thought WG was going to kick my ass or anything.

You know, this is a classic example of of how the Web distorts communication. I try to lay the smackdown, and the people who do not deserve the smackdown go running like the conscientious journalers they are, while the people that haven't updated since, oh, October are blithely hanging out elsewhere, talking about Maryland.

Now, I know that we all have our non-updating spells, and thus I am not planning to kick anyone's ass, because I love the collective MATH+1 ass so much. I'm just saying, if Juan Dixon & Co. lose in the second round to Gonzaga, it could be because of accumulated bad journaling karma.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2002

...That a certain close (and normally rational and reliable and salt- of-the-earth-type) friend of mine -- who will remain nameless -- has become Buffy VonWorthington-Bouvier all of a sudden, because she has been invited to these informational receptions (which are really just sorority rush for grownups), so that she might be persuaded to join this certain women's social-club-masquerading-as- volunteer- organization.

No, it's not that organization (Kristin, Teri, I feel y'all looking at me). It's one with a similar name and concept (sort of a knockoff, if you will) that was formed much much later (like 20 years ago).

And not only does she not have the time for this, having already quit a charity this year for which she was on the board, but she's suddenly become... a pain in the ass. Like there's something terribly special or unique about this occurrence, or as if Laura Sakowitz or Lauren Bush is going to be calling her anyday to ask her to co-chair the Symphony Ball or something.

And My Inner Catty Bitch wants to point out the obvious... but I would never do that. I just want Buffy to go away and my salt-of-the- earth friend to come back.

I'm also pissed that this is pissing me off.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

Junior Forum? Because if so it was founded a lot longer than 20 years ago...

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

And that was clearly not the point. Ignore me, please.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

My neck is royally pissing me off. It hurts and is all tense. I'm not stressed out, my shoulders aren't tight, it's just the freaking neck. My throat hurts so maybe I'm coming down with a cold and it's causing my neck to ache. Maybe not, because I noticed a slight tightness about two weeks ago and it's progressively gotten worse. Either way, it's pissing me off.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

It is completely impractical of me to go down to Atlanta this weekend, and I'm pissed at myself for having told The Smoker I could.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

I didn't know there were such things as women's social clubs anymore. I thought it was a myth propagated by General Hospital. I want to have charity balls and charity auctions. And wear a big poofy dress. Then again, I went to a school without Greeks, so maybe I'm just feeling the loss suddenly.

Pg, though, I feel your pain. I hate when friends get all "ooh, I'm the special-est girl ever!"

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

Now, I know that we all have our non-updating spells, and thus I am not planning to kick anyone's ass, because I love the collective MATH+1 ass so much. I'm just saying, if Juan Dixon & Co. lose in the second round to Gonzaga, it could be because of accumulated bad journaling karma.

If Maryland plays Gonzaga in the second round, I'll be watching form jail, having driven across the country to kick the Selection Committee's collective ass. That would mean Gonzaga was a 7-10 seed, and that would be a joke.

Besides, we can't play the Zags. We already had to face Charleston a few years ago in a 5-12 game, as well as Santa Clara in a 7-10. We've done our time with Cinderella.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

If Maryland plays Gonzaga in the second round, I'll be watching form jail, having driven across the country to kick the Selection Committee's collective ass. That would mean Gonzaga was a 7-10 seed, and that would be a joke.

True enough. But aren't they messing with the geographic placements this year?

Anyway, way to dodge the complaint, Mr. Complaint-Dodger.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

I'm pissy at this 404 message from tomatonation. Where's Sars? What happened? I didn't get to read the new one yet!

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

And lo, I say to you all now, in front of all God's children, that I will update this weekend, if not before.

If my FTP is still screwy, I'll just make it a notify dealio.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

I have only one page of my two three page papers written, and they are due tomorrow.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

That my boyfriend can't get it through his head that I am not going to blow all my money and having my friends home for the first week in forever on going to the Oregon Coast with him to spend a week with his family. Also, that he doesn't understand the concept of "seasonal worker." and bitches at me constantly about being off for the winter.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

I am SO MAD because while I was in the Animal Care Center picking up my dog, someone backed into my car and LEFT. Left! And it's no small ding either.


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002

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