Problems with pad/Joystick in mame35tg : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I canīt get my ordinary pad or joystick to work at all under mame 32 035tg3b. It must have something to do with me installing Windows 2000.

(And yes I have done the basic things like installing things in the control panel etc:)

When I had ME, win 98 it always worked perfectly. Another note is that it works perfectly right now under mame32 058...

I need a pad or an ordinary Joystick to play Hypersports and qix for the deca, cause I donīt like the Hotrod for those games.

Any help would be appreciated.

ps If my memorey serves me right I think I have heard about this problem before on the board.



-- QRS (, March 04, 2002

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