: LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
please could anybody tell me how to burn a new vcd without subtitles using a vcd with subtitles as the master copy
-- neil johnson (, March 02, 2002
Can't be done. The subtitles are a part of the image on the VCD, just like if you watched a subtitled VHS tape or a subtitled laser disc.
-- Jason (, March 04, 2002.
Using VCDGear,extract from Dat to Mpeg or avi.Using Virtual Dub,choose Smart Resize and crop out the offending subtitle and resize.and save to file using full processing mode.
-- Peter Gerard Lawton (, June 26, 2002.
If you use Smart Resize, you are going to lose pictures on the bottom of the movie. Instead, you have another choice of Sub Extractor, to extract the subtitle from Mpeg file. However, it's so weird. What you will get depends mostly on what you congifure the filter. Hope you succeed.
-- TV (, July 27, 2003.