River Street Ramblergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I plan to visit Savannah for the Saint Patrick's Day festivities next month. During a sober minute, I'd like to find and photograph the specially painted CofG/Norfolk Southern switch engine dubbed 'The River Street Rambler'. Where does this engine reside at when it's not creeping down River Street with tank cars? Is this place fairly accesible where as I can take photographs without fear of arrest, being mugged, etc.?
-- Eric Rickert (au_tiger777@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002
The last I report I saw on the Rambler was that it was discontinued on River Street and that NS was using CSX tracks to get to the old Tybee line.I, too, would like to know where the colorful locomotive is and if someone can photograph it without being arrested.
The last time I saw the Rambler on River Street was a few years back when I was in town during the week to do research in the CofGa files at the Georgia Historical Society (highly recommended). The power that time was just a standard NS black switcher with a pony on it.
Guess the Rambler went out during the day while I was in the library because it was headed back in the evening. I was on River Street sipping a hurricane when two or three police cars came tearing in from the east end with blue light blazing ahead of the the train.
Perhaps the best way to appreciate the large size of a locomotive and tank car is to see them in juxtaposition with a horde of drunken tourists. When the train came follwoing along it dwarfed everyone.
Anyhow, a church bus parked along River Street was sticking out just enough to block the train and River Street was shut down for about twenty five minutes while the police searched for the bus driver.
When I am telling this story I like to conclude by saying that the church bus driver was finally located drinking in a River Street bar and that a teenager from the church trip took his keys and moved the bus. I find this version gets a lot more laughs than reality, which is that the bus driver was found in a praline shop and he moved the bus himself.
About the only thing I have every seen to compare to the big production associated with a train on River Street is a visit from a sitting US president.
Ron. Wright
-- Ron Wright (rondywright@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
Hi, I'm sorry to say that last I have heard about the Rambler is that it was scaped, repainted or sold. Whatever it is, it's no longer here in Savannah. But, there is a plan for the rails on River St. to be used for something. Once I find out more I will post it.
-- Jason Castine (Multivortexf5@hotmail.com), June 13, 2002.
Eric, Sorry to be so late with an answer, but the Rambler has been sold and no longer in Savannah. NS gave it's Kemira business to CSX and does not use the tracks on River St. anymore. However, there is talk that the city of Savannah will begin offering street car service on the tracks if they can work out the details with NS.Bob
-- Bob Harpe (robertharpe@aol.com), April 09, 2002.
Eric,The SW1500 that was painted for the Rambler was sold to the Manufacturers Railway in St. Louis, MO a few years ago. Can't recall when. Also, NS now uses CSXT trackage to access industries (Kimera ??) once serviced by the Rambler.
-- Kent Howard (klhnupe@bellsouth.net), March 05, 2002.