Burning VCD with click n burn progreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
trying to burn vcd with click n burn pro, however, when I try to add mpeg to burn, get error message that says mpeg is not in proper format and it has been skipped. Captured video with dazzle photo and video maker. How do I get mpeg in proper format?
-- Chad Owens (ceormt@cs.com), February 25, 2002
Chad,Try looking up the proper formats. They are widely available on the net. The best page for general and specific info is www.vcdhelp.com. If you don't want technical fuzz, download Tmpegenc.exe from www.tmpegenc.com. Start it, select the VCD pal or NTSC format with the LOAD button (a lot of people try to set the settings themselves and usually end up asking the same question you did, IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE FORMAT DON'T TRY TO CONVERT TO VCD, it will only make you angry) and let the computer do what is was meant for in the first place: help you by doing all the technical work.
-- Jeroen (ameknim@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.