Eye Training

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This past weekend I was practicing my "M craft" and found it virtually impossible to see through the viewfinder (never mind the framelines)with with both eyes open. I am left eye dominant and can easily use an F3HP with both eyes open. Any ideas as to how to develope "sight" in my right eye (pirate patch, gaffers tape?). Thanks for your thoughts.

-- Brooks (Bvonarx@home.com), February 25, 2002


the larger the viefinder magnification or the closer to 1.0x the easier it is. i trained myself to use the right eye (my viefinder eye) when looking straight forward and the other eye when i look to the sides. after a while you "switch" automatically, though i must confess i also find it more difficult with the leica compared to my slr.

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), February 25, 2002.

Using the magnifier on a .72 body allows you to shoot with both eyes open i.e. right eye through viewfinder and left eye out in space. It's a remarkable feeling.

-- Jim Shields (jim.shields@tasis.ch), February 25, 2002.

Practice. Once you can view with the right eye, you will appreciate how the M fits perfectly up against the nose.

-- Douglas Kinnear (douglas.kinnear@colostate.edu), February 25, 2002.

Were you practicing with a M3?

As far as I know (not too far, by the way) the M3 with a 50 Cron is the only M that will really allow you to do that without special efforts and since you don't mention . . .

Regards !


-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), February 25, 2002.

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