Guess the water's paying off : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I started drinking tons of water about 2 months ago. I have lots some weight but that's not the biggest news.

I have chemical poisoning, which is also known as evnironmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivites and a few other choice names:~}. Sonda knows all about this. Anyway, the itching has stopped and I actually got to sit through a whole church service. First time in months. The perfume was really bad and I had all the symptoms and miseries, but I was able to stick it out. Maybe I shouldn't have, but Gary was singing and this was a special missionary service at a friend's church. I drank a whole lot of water when I got home so maybe I won't be too sick tomorrow. I've also started taking charcoal just a few days ago.

Wish I could get use to all that water though so I could get some good sleep.

I still feel some sadness which I can't really link to this, but I praise God for this victory.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 24, 2002


Try drinking your water earlier in the day. I'm the same way...bladder the size of a pea! I stop having any drinks about 3 hours before bedtime and that helps alot.

I don't have environmental poisoning, but do have asthma so I do understand. Perfume is a big no-no for me. I actually can use some very mild scents, more like clean or spicy. Anything sweet or flower smelling causes an attack. I normally only use it for "private time" with my husband as he seems to like it. I never wear in it public. My father works in a respiratory care center and they ahd a nurse wear some perfume one day (ya think she'd know better!) and it sent several patients into respiratory arrest.

-- ging (, February 24, 2002.

I've tried drinking the water early, late, in between, you name it. nothing works. But I'm not gonna give up since good things are happening.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 25, 2002.

Add some cider vinegar and honey to that water, and it will be even more beneficial.

-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, February 25, 2002.

Shannon, thanks for the reminder, I used to do that.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 25, 2002.

To be honest, urinating during the night is beneficial. While a person is asleep, the body is renewing itself and ridding itself of toxins. Getting up and "going" just flushes all that stuff out! I try to drink a cup of water everytime I go to the bathroom, day or night. Also, your body will get used to having that much water and will adjust so you're not living in the bathroom.

-- Ardie/WI (, February 25, 2002.

Want more info about water? Go to:

Talk to you later.

-- Bob in WI (, February 25, 2002.

Cindy, have you taken anything to clean your liver out? Most toxins and chemicals are filtered by the liver. If you have an overload, then maybe it could use some help. Since you live in IN, I doubt you have any dandelions up yet... =) Or if they are, they are covered in a blanket of white. However, you can get dandelion at the health food store in capsules or tincture. You can make a tea from the dried herb if they have it. Dandelion root is stronger for cleaning and detoxing the liver. Just a thought... Not medical advise.

-- Mike & Marci (NE Ohio) (, February 26, 2002.

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