how to convert a dvd on to your computer and split it into 2 files so i can put it on a : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Well i was just wondering that how i could put a full dvd on my computer and split it into 2 files so i could put it on a vcd. I tried using various programs but none seem to work. So if you have any answers please e-mail me at
-- john (, February 23, 2002
Please try to use "DVD2MPG Squeezer" or "FlaskMPEG" to convert your DVD to VCD's MPEG-1 format file. Then use "TMPGenc" to split your file to fit on 2 VCDs.
-- Frederic (, February 24, 2002.
DVDX is a real simple way to do it. A web search will tell you whete to get it at. has a guide on using it, but I don't remember the exact link.
-- Jason (, February 25, 2002.
If you put the raw VOB into Tmpeg V2.0 encode it to Mpeg1 - Mpeg2 then use Tmpeg to spilt it works fine for me.
-- SVCD LOVER (, February 28, 2002.