where to get all the latest vcdsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I would like to know where most people who sell these vcds get them from, sites would be appricated. Also is 56k moden ok or is adsl required. I have been looking for films for a while now.. Many thanx brian
-- brian haworth (beverleyandbrian@lineone.net), February 23, 2002
Do you want to buy commercial VCDs or do you want to download bootleg VCDs of current movies? If you want to buy legitimate stuff, I have ordered from each of the following and had no problems: www.allvcds.com www.getvcds.com www.vcdgallery.com
-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.comq), February 25, 2002.
I've bought a few VCDs from www.d9movie.com and www.getvcds.com and so far there's no problem.
-- Walter (obh_2002@yahoo.com), March 06, 2002.