Pleased As Punch : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

You should be proud of yourself, little missies and misters. I just know you've done something worthy in the last little while. Come on in, pull up a comfy chair, and pat yourself on the back while you tell us all about it.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002


I should note that we had a similar thread a while back, and nobody, but nobody, posted to it. The MATHletes are a modest bunch.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

Okay, I'll step up to the plate.

I made a donation to the Fremont Education Foundation for the afterschool band program. I also donated a Teddy Bear for the Fire and Police departments. They carry the bears around in their vehicles and give them to kids in traumatic situations.

Now somebody else go.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

I got a new job at a great company ten minutes from my house, in the insanely competitive tech field, during this crappy recession, WHILE I was pregnant, two weeks after I found out I was getting laid off by my previous company. AND I got a raise. I admit I wasn't a very fun person to live with while all that was going on, but I did it. My lucky stars have been thanked profusely.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

I made brownies the other night and used a portion of peanut butter instead of oil. I think they are assy, but the Partner says they are the best ever.

Right now I'm just proud of myself for not quitting my craptastic job until I find something new. Every time an executive shoves by me to beat me through a door or into the elevator, I've had to bite my tongue not to shout out, "Did your mother teach you nothing?" Eventually I will lose my temper and it will come out, "Fuck you, rude ass." It's time to leave.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

I've raised my two kids by myself for a year on my own. I know, lots of people are single parents, but hardly any of them are still married. Husband took a promotion which was in another town, 12plus hours away by car. The kids and I didn't like the town in question, and we wanted to keep our roots here, since it was only for a year. It's damn hard, y'all. And expensive. We have two homes, two electric bills, two phone bills, loads of long distance. I work overtime to pay the bills and spend every second I can being two parents to the kids. Sheesh. The day Babydaddy walks back thru the front door I'm taking a long weekend in the wountains. By myself. But the kids are doing splendidly and I'm way proud of that.

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2002

i won a karaoke contest saturday night with my rendition of prince's "kiss".

it was a casino night fund raiser and the audience was around 500.

it was also my first time to karaoke.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2002

Well, the Smoker may have backslid over the weekend, but I'm still proud of him for not smoking for an entire week.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2002

Well, I'm proud of myself for quitting my job. It's the scariest thing ever, but it was something that needed to be done. So instead of sticking it out somewhere I was unhappy and wasting EVERYone's time, I did the brave thing and faced the music. Y'all, I'm never brave. Nor am I an adult. But I did something grown-up, and for that, I am proud.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2002

I'm proud of you, Hannah. You've got way more guts than I.

I'm proud of myself for finishing half of the NYT Acrostic yesterday, a personal record. That thing is tough.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2002

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