Leica Equipment and Best Deals

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


This question isn't about Leica photography; it's about Leica equipment and the best deal you ever made: Trinovid 6X24 from 1963 (source Leica); first year of Trinovid production.

Anyone got one of these? I bought it at a yard sale for $40 for first place best deal.

If it hadn't been stolen from me: the $700 M4 Black Enamel from a pro would have been the second best deal i ever got.

I don't find it to be taking advantage of the seller; afterall it's buyer beware, true? Would you offer more to an "uninformed" seller?

My job is too easy.

Another slow day in St. Louis

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), February 22, 2002


In 1985 I was at a LeicaNikon Dealer buying a used Nikon F2. In 1985, quite frankly I was barely aware of the Leica camera and had never even seen one before. So after closing the deal on the F2 I asked to look at a funky, beat up looking camera that was sitting in the case. It must have been calling my name because I bought it. So my first Leica was a Black paint M2 with three chrome lenses for $450. Last year I sold one of the lenses, a 21mm SA, for $1200. That Black M2 is my best ever camera deal and I still use it everyday.

-- Steve leHuray (steve@icommag.com), February 22, 2002.

Ok, here they are, two of them: 1) Leica M3 Ser# 1,1xx,xxx, LeicaMeter MR4, 50f2 ELCAN!, all for $100 last year at OKC's largest camera shop. 2)Leica M4 black paint Ser# 1,185,xxx, 28mm f2.8 first generation Canadian w/ finder, $1000 from an individual. Both in excellent condition and working. Them M3 had a hole in the shutter curtain that must have freaked out the dealer. I just love 'em.

-- James Gumm (jim.gumm@okdhs.org), February 22, 2002.

James, Where is OKC; I wanna visit.

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), February 22, 2002.

Black Minilux, new in box with warranty, etc. Bought on eBay for $400. It came with a Minilux watch, which I sold to a Japanese collector months later for $250. So, total cost for a rare black Minilux is $150. Thinking about selling towards or trading it for a 50 Summicron, but haven't decided yet.

-- Luke Dunlap (luked@mail.utexas.edu), February 22, 2002.

I don't have any of you guys beat, but 2 years ago when I was a starving college student I picked up a first version Wetzlar (8- element) chrome 35/2 summicron for $400.

I guess I wasn't a starving student after all. Maybe all my beer money went to photo gear and film? maybe that's why I graduated. I can soberly remember my college weekends!

-- Badris (badris@mac.com), February 22, 2002.

In 1969, I was roaming around downtown Manhattan on a Saturday taking pictures. I wandered into Olden Camera and started looking at a couple of funky old Leicas they had. The salesman saw me standing there looking at them and said "Want 'em? Hundred bux." I walked out with a IIc and 35mm lens plus IIf and 50mm lens. Shot with those cameras until 1985 or so. One of them was destroyed in Mexico somewhere around 1978, the other fell into the Pacific Ocean around the end of 1985 ... which stories get long in the telling .... ;-)

-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), February 22, 2002.

Mint Leica IIIc with a spotless Elmar 50/3.5 and case/manual. Almost looks like it was never used. $250 bucks on ebay.


-- Feli (feli@d2.com), February 22, 2002.

I just bought my first Leica M3 and 50mm lens back in the 1980s and was pretty proud of myself. I wore it into a different shop to buy film and the owner asked if I was interested in another Leica? He came out and showed me a very nice M3 DS, and MR-4 meter, a 50mm collapsible Summicron, and a mint 35mm bug-eyed f/2.8 Summaron.

I was still thinking about how I had convinced myself I could afford my first M3, when he said the whole lot can go for 375 US Dollars. After seeing the consignment paperwork and making sure it was not stolen, I added 375 Dollars to my swollen credit card bill. I used this gear for years and sold it in Japan for 1200 US Dollars... a very good deal!

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), February 22, 2002.

Godfrey, too bad Olden Camera isn't like that now. I guess they've wised up. Everything there is way, way overpriced.

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), February 22, 2002.

best deal i made: not a leica, a böhm soundsystem, a modular synthesizer, only 70 made, bought for $20, repaired the filter and some soldering, sold for $1500. was too cheap still. i received about 30 calls for that add...(was that off-topic?)

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), February 22, 2002.

U.S. warranty 35mm Summilux-M ASPH for $1275 (incl. $200 rebate) off eBay from an authorized Leica dealer in Missouri.

-- Chris Chen (Washington, DC) (furcafe@cris.com), February 22, 2002.

A double stroke M3, 50mm 1.5 summarit lens, 400mm 5 Telyt with built in lens hood and visoflex 1 all for $150.00 Later sold at great profit and regret it almost daily.

-- Chad Hahn (thehahns@cornhusker.net), February 22, 2002.

A 1964 chrome 90 Summicron for $232.50 brand new in 1972. It is still my favorite lens. :)

-- Mark A. Johnson (logical1@catholic.org), February 23, 2002.

I bought a Leica 35mm Summilux "Aspherical"- 1st edition for US$1150. A great lens which I have justb traded for new 35mm Summilux "Asph", 90mm Summicron "Apo Asph", Leica 1.25x Magnifier and Leica E55 UV filter. What do you think....did I do alright? As a user not a collector I am very happy as I could not have afforded to purchase another lens.

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), February 23, 2002.

Hello Chris. Many astute Leica officiandos pride themselves in the occasional good deal which is unusual nowdays. Mine,in 1982,Leica M4 and 8 element for $425. However, MISSED OUT by one minute to another purchaser (same vendor) on mint Hologon and finder, boxed (without special filter), are you ready ....$450. Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (albada60@hotmail.com), February 23, 2002.

Near mint M3, with super clean 35 Summaron, 135mm Hektor, and 50mm Summicron all for $900 about 5 years ago. I sold all the lenses and had the body gone through, but it was still a great deal. Got a near mint 50mm coated Elmar for $100 about a year ago that someone had been using as an enlarging lens for 30 years. The rest of my stuff was purchased at near market value.

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), February 23, 2002.


Kind of off topic but I frequent garage sales as I collect old National Geographics. Never have found anything Leica there but around 1990 or so found a Hasslblad 1000F with 3 Ektar lenses, prism finder, various filters and hoods, fitted aluminum case, and four backs for $100 dollars. All in excellent cosmetic and operating condition. Became very weak in the knees when quoted the asking price. Decided not to haggle and couldn't get the stuff in the car and away from the place fast enough!

Second best garage sale deal was an Olympus XA for $3.50 about 5 years ago. Got the lady to come down 50 cents.

BTW Chris, tried to respond to you on the Viso III you mentioned in your response to another post but got an "undeliverable" message. E- mail me if you still have it.



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (JerryPfile@msn.com), February 24, 2002.

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