Frederick Evans : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know how many photographs Frederick Evans made of the cathedrals? Where can one view a large collection of his work? Any book publication or good website that's available? Thanks.

-- Aaron (, February 22, 2002


Aperture did a nice book.

-- Bill (, February 22, 2002.

Brilliant work, isn't it? Don't think there's any website, but if you go to and type in "Beaumont Newhall" for the author and "Frederick Evans" for the title, you'll find plenty of people selling the Aperture book. The cathedral photographs in the book are to my eye absolutely beautiful and the book is well worth the relative pittance it's selling for used.

There's a quote from the book in this thread on


-- Micah (, February 22, 2002.

Several of his cathedral photos were published in Stieglitz's "Camera Work". If you want to own an "original" Evans, check ebay as the photogravures from that journal are regularly on auction and I have seen - and purchased - an Evan's Cathedral photo.

-- Ron Gratz (, February 22, 2002.

Country Life Magazine in England commissioned the blesséd Frederick H. Evans to shoot a lot of cathedrals and homes throught Britain and France. They have a special publication of them.

F. H. E. fan,

Walter Glover

-- Walter Glover (, February 22, 2002.

You did ask about cathedrals but if you want a stunning book of Evans's work try to find a copy of "The Chateaux of France" published by Country Life as Walter mentioned. Author of text is Marcus Binney, published in Great Britain 1994 by Mitchell Beazley/Reed Consumer Books Ltd. One of the finest books I own.

-- Sandy Sorlien (, February 22, 2002.

There seems to be quite a few websites but none offers detailed information about the photographer. I'll check out those books at the local library. Thanks again.

-- Aaron (, February 23, 2002.

This is off the subject, but I recently read that Evans was a devoted user of Zeiss Protars. He had six for 8x10, with the 19" his favorite. He also used six with his 4x5, ranging from 4 1/2" to 14", all with Volute shutters.

-- Arthur Gottschalk (, February 26, 2002.

Thanks again, guys (and Sandy too). Aaron

-- Aaron (, February 27, 2002.

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