Which to Sell or Trade

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have too many cameras and seek advice on which to keep and which to sell or trade: - M6 chrome 0.72 with 35/2, 50/2, 90/2, and 135/4 - Leitz Minolta CL with 40/2 and 90/4 - IIIf Red Dial with 50/1.5 Taylor-Hobson Summarit - IIIf Red Dial with Self-Timer - Rollei 35SE black - Rollei 36TE chrome Most of my shooting is of travel (US and foreign) and of grandchildren. I use Fujicolor 400 and 800, don't do any developing and printing myself, and rarely have enlargements made. My inclination is to keep the M6 package and the 35TE. What do you think?

-- Rob Raab (frraab@aol.com), February 21, 2002


Well is that in "too many cameras" and "too little cash"? Unless you're strapped for space, cash or both, I see no need to divest oneself of quality and collectable gear such as you've mentioned. Take it from one who has regretfully rid himself of cameras, guitars, vintage studio gear and you name it just to pay the rent.

Keep it all, your grandchildren may just appreciate it after you've shed this mortal coil.

-- Dave Doyle (soilsouth@cox.net), February 21, 2002.

Assuming it's a monetary decision or simply a simplification issue [ :) ], I would vie for simplicity without duplication. The CL with the 40 on it essentially does what either of the Rolleis do, as well as covers the bases for the IIIf's. So, I would keep only the M- compatible sytem, and get rid of the CL90 unless you like it for its smaller size. I would then take some of the $$$ from those sales and get a 21 or 24 if that is your cup of tea, and Voilla! Two bodies, and five or six lenses that cover almost all of what you shoot.

Now, if it is not a monetary decision, why not keep em all and put the Rolleis and the III's away for a rainy day?


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), February 21, 2002.

On that same vein - my grandfather got rid of his baby rollei and grey baby and various leicas before i started shooting - what a shame. Not only will you give them great great tools, but also precious heirlooms. Now you just need to get them hooked with an inexpensive starter kit, and one birthday or christmas will be the best of their lives!

Not the advice you are seeking, but certainly what I will do if I am ever lucky enough to have grandchildren.

-- Anam (aalpenia@dasar.com), February 21, 2002.

Can't disagree with these guys, but if you're determined to reduce then sell the CL kit (as has been said the Rollei 35's do the same job) and the IIIf without delayed action, but KEEP the Taylor-Hobson lens, plus whichever Rollei you don't use.

-- Tim Franklin (tim_franklin@mac.com), February 21, 2002.

Keep: M6 combo, IIIF with ST and Taylor-Hobson, whichever Rollei is your favourite. I'm sure the others will go to good homes!

-- David Killick (dalex@inet.net.nz), February 21, 2002.

Hello Rob. It took you time to accumulate that nice usable collection. At the MOST, get rid of the CL kit. Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (albada60@hotmail.com), February 21, 2002.

Sorry but I have to say that for someone that owns such great equipment, this has to be the silliest post I've seen in a while..........just keep the setup you like/use the most for god's sake.....and yours!

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), February 21, 2002.

I want to thank everyone for answering quickly. My objective is to reduce the duplication of capability that all this gear provides. The M6 package has all the sophistication and flexibility I want, and produces excellent results, but is heavy, bulky, and at risk when I travel. Except for its spot meter and smaller size and weight, the CL package doesn't provide anything I lack with the M6. The 35TE is small, lightweight, and fast to set up. It has a superb 40/3.5 Tessar lens, and is great for travel shots and shots using flash. The 35SE has a faster 40/2.8 Sonnar lens, but is heavier and the picture quality doesn't seem (to me) to equal that of the TE. The two IIIf bodies and one lens take great pictures, and are interesting collectibles, but -- again -- do not provide anything I lack with the M6. Again, thanks for the input.

-- Rob Raab (frraab@aol.com), February 21, 2002.

People here are pretty full of it sometimes.

Rob gets crap for wanting to shrink his camera collection down a little. But once again on a thread just a few up from this one Alfie "the bizarre Leicaphile" Wang is also getting crap for once again wanting to buy more gear.

-- Josh Root (rootj@att.net), February 22, 2002.


keep what you like to use. You won't miss things you don't touch and don't use.
I myself would keep the M6 (for it's capabilities), the CL (for it's size and universality) and a Rollei (as an always-with-me-camera; I found the Sonnar better than the Tessar version, but keep the one you'd use in real life). Reasons for this:
1. If the IIIf's are collectibles to you and you don't like to collect these, get rid of them. 2. The lens may be a different case here, but if you think that you'll never use it (or play with it), you'll never miss it. 3. If

Another way would be to pass one of the Rolleis to your (grand-) children, if they are interested), I always wanted one and had to wait until I had enough money to buy on myself.

-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), February 22, 2002.

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