Any one using/know about AVIOSYS VCD PLUS 2310/2220 capture card? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm looking for a reasonable priced video capture card to add on my computer setup. But unfortunately there are only limited products available here in the Philippines. I already limit my choices to three(3) that would fit my budget; 1)ATI ALL-IN-WONDER 128PRO - Still have to see one here. 2)PINNACLE DC10+ - Heard that this has a problem with audio syc. and poor software bundle. 3)AVIOSYS VCD 2310 - With dedicated audio/video-in its card which as I read here in the Net will have a better sync. on longer and more complex edits. But I can't find any feedback on the true quality of this card in capturing analog video. No review or write-ups even. CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS?

-- CSAr (, February 20, 2002


Still images and video clip.

-- Als (, February 22, 2002.

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