What is the best way to add subtitles to VCD or SVCD??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What is the fastest and best way to create VCD or SVCD with subtitles?? Or is it possible at all??

-- f.carnister (frank@yahoo.com), February 20, 2002


VCD only supports subtitles if they are made part of the video image. They can not be turned off, they are always on. The DVDX ripping program might support this, but I'm not sure. If you go to a place like www.doom9.net, you might find some useful subtitle utilities. I have no experience doing subtitles with VCD, so that's all I know about that. With SVCD, it support selectable subtitles. That means that they can be turned on and off. Multiple subtitles are possible. SVCD supports 4 subtitles I think, although I have seen some stuff to suggest that up to 8 may be possible. There's a program called SubMuxer that a lot of SVCD people are using to mux subtitles. Please be aware that not all DVD players will play selectable SVCD subtitles. You can always try to make a subtitle part of the video image like with VCD if you need to make sure the subtitle will show up. Just a personal tip - when using SubMuxer, I have to burn with Nero to see the subtitles on my DVD player and I can't burn a BIN/CUE image either. If my video is transformed to BIN/CUE, no matter what I burn with, the subtitles can not be seen. If I take a MPEG-2 file with the subtitles muxed into it and burn with Nero, the subtitles work. Your experience may vary from mine. I have an Apex AD703 DVD player, by the way.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), February 21, 2002.

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