Worm Grunting

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Check out the latest National Geographic for a brief article on "worm grunting" in Florida. Tells how they call the baitworms to the surface. Apparently you need a special license to do this in particular areas.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002


A license? Not that I've ever researched licensing requirements for worm collecting but it's a new one on me. Course, like every other state we've got our odd little laws.

How were they doing it in the article? I've seen it down with handsaws or axes rubbed on wood stobs driven into the ground; another fellow use vibrations from a chainsaw, and another used a hand drill.

No earthworms on DunHagan yet, too much sand, not enough organic matter but give me and the hens a few years and that will change.


-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

You have to have a LICENSE to grunt at worms?!?!?! Holy Smokes! Be careful where you grunt, folks! ;-)

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

Will the worm police come and get me cause I grunt so getting up out in the garden???LOL I never knew that is why all those worms were coming to the surface.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

This sounds like another experiment for Jay. Maybe he and the folks over at ACS can write some wormy love songs. :)

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

Just got my Nat. Geographic in today's mail. I gotta check this one out!!! When we're "hunting" for bait worms, we just go outside early in the morning and pound on a pipe that's driven in the ground. We catch flounder on night crawlers...not on sea worms. Go figure :-)!!

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

I grunt nightcrawlers all the time using a leaf spring and sweetgum stob.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

Being in Florida I think Mike and I better watch how we grunt!!!hehehe But on another thought we could just go fishin' with those grunt loving worms. Better not say that to loud or the city will be out here wanting to see my license!!!

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

I think the license is so you can do it in the Appalachio (sp?) Park.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

Is this the same as worm calling? Where you pound the stick into the ground and run another notched stick over it?

Have we already so severely depleted the earthworm population, or is it due to that earthworm predator....forget what the thing is called...that has been killing off all our native ones?

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002

It is the Appalachicola National Forest, which is why you need the license. And yes, it is a wooden stick in the ground and a blade that 'sings' across the top.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

In FL you need a license to grunt worms so you don't depete em and in MN, the state forestry commission is trying to prove that worms are destroying the forests. Go figure.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

Maybe each Minnesota "snowbird" should be required to take a box of worms with them to release when they get down to Florida for the winter. :)

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

Just leaving their money will suffice. ; )


-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

Oh that wascally worm predator...snicker. I'm sorry it just sounded so funny...like if you watch a NG special and the predator comes along after the prey and the narrator is giving you all the play by play.."here in the wilds of Florida the lowly nightcrawler is lounging in the compost after a long nights crawl when the dastardly worm predator springs from behind the sediment and begins the chase that can only end up in carnage.."

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

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