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Hi , Thank you for your time. Over a year ago I bought a softwear program call "InMedia Presentation Inc." Slide&Sound Plus V2.0 . It is a slideshow presentation that has sound,caption,avi files, overlays and many transitions. (like a powerpoint presentation) As of now I can only view it on my computer. I was able to transfer it to VHS tape via. TVGold hardware. But is there a way I can burn it to my CD burner as a VCD or SVCD for viewing on my family DVD player? ( and doI need to covert it to mpeg-1 file)and(how?) THANKS , Linda P
-- linda phillp (, February 15, 2002
Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 is all you need !Tony.
-- (, February 16, 2002.
More completely it should have been: Roxio is all you need to age instantly 10 years, tear your hair in utter despair, and shed copious amounts of blood, sweat, and tears. My friends, try Nero instead.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, February 18, 2002.
More completely it should have been: Roxio is all you need to age instantly 10 years, tear your hair in utter despair, and shed copious amounts of blood, sweat, and tears. My friends, try Nero instead. At the last count at the very least I see that in a survey Nero is bundled four times out of five with various CD-R/RW drives.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, February 18, 2002.